
Seungwon Chung

Chicagoland CP 

Sung-Hoon Gee, PhD

Minnesota CP

Soomin Park, PhD

Indiana CP

Hyecheol Jang

Wisconsin CP

Hosin David Lee

Iowa City CP
(Former 40th KSEA President)

Arden Kim

YG National Board Director

Madeleine (Lena) Lee

YG National Board Vice Chair

Shihyun Park

UIUC YG President

Kyubyung Kang



University of Iowa
Jeongbeom Lee

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Yongrin Park
Nayoung Kim

Purdue University
Seungju Jessica Park
Seungbin Kwon

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Sumin Han
Minsol Kim

The University of Chicago

Sooyoun Kristina Zong 

Illinois Institute of Technology

Yejin Paige Park